Hi There

COOSEday! On this Tuesday I want to talk about Easy and Convenient. These are abstract concepts and can be seen and lived differently by all of us. What seems "easy" to me may not be "easy" for another. But I believe that both mean different things. Just so that we are on the same page here are the definitions supplied by Google. 


Dictionary result for easy

  1. 1.

    achieved without great effort; presenting few difficulties.
    "an easy way of retrieving information"

    synonyms:uncomplicated, not difficult, undemanding, unexacting, unchallengingeffortlesspainlesstrouble-freefacilesimplestraightforwardelementaryidiot-proofplain sailingMore
  2. 2.

    (of a period of time or way of life) free from worries or problems.
    "promises of an easy life in the New World"

    "they are hoping for an easy life


Dictionary result for convenient

adjective: convenient

  1. fitting in well with a person's needs, activities, and plans.
    "I phoned your office to confirm that this date is convenient"


    • involving little trouble or effort.
      "the new car park will make shopping much more convenient"

    • situated so as to allow easy access to.
      "the site would have to be convenient for London"

      synonyms:within easy reach of, near (to), close to, well placed for, well situated for, handy for, just around the corner from, within walking distance of, at close quarters to, not far from;More

    • helpfully placed or occurring.
      "guests were relaxing beneath a convenient palm tree"

Something can be easy and convenient, but I believe something cannot be convenient and hard. I also believe that we walk this tightrope between the two with all our choices. 

I believe we sometimes do not look after our needs and physical health because it is convenient. We would rather sleep of look on social media than wake up a few minutes earlier to do a movement session. I believe that it is easier to "go with the flow" than plan our day and be more productive.I believe that we use easy and convenient as scapegoats for our bad choices. 

What do you think? Comment below to add to the discussion. 

This week I say if everything is easy or convenient I want neither . I CHOOSE none of them. I think there should be challenges and that we grow and evolve through them. That is what makes us better and everything a little easier and more convenient.

Thank You  

Keep Moving until next time👋


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