Muscle Of The Week... Brachialis
Hi There
I just want to take a step back and review what we have learnt so far. First the terminology and then the muscles we have discussed. Remember we just want to know where our muscles are and what function in our movement they play.
*Abduction/ Abduct- Movement away from the midline of the body
Muscles we have done
*Abductor Digiti Minimi of the Foot
*Abductor Digiti Minimi of the Hand
I just want to take a step back and review what we have learnt so far. First the terminology and then the muscles we have discussed. Remember we just want to know where our muscles are and what function in our movement they play.
*Abduction/ Abduct- Movement away from the midline of the body
*Proximal- Closest point to the joint
*Distal- Furthest point to the joint
*Brevis- Short
*Brevis- Short
*Longus- Long
*Inferior- Lower part
*Superior- Upper part
*Superior- Upper part
*Flexion- Minimising the angle of the joint
*Adduction- Movement towards the midline of the body
*Brachi- Arm
*Brachi- Arm
Muscles we have done
*Abductor Digiti Minimi of the Foot
*Abductor Digiti Minimi of the Hand
*Abductor Hallucis
*Abductor Pollicis Brevis
*Abductor Pollicis Longus
*Adductor Brevis
*Adductor Hallucis
*Adductor Longus
*Adductor Magnus
*Adductor Pollicis
*Articularis Cubiti
*Articularis Genu
*Biceps Brachii
*Biceps Femoris
-- This Week's Muscle... Brachialis
Common Injuries: This is not a muscle that gets injured easily, but it's hard to diagnose. The muscle can get over use injuries.Climber's Elbow is also common. This can be cause by hanging exercises and putting a lot of strain on the muscle and elbow joint capsule.
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