
Hi There 

Why is balance so hard? 

As a Sport scientist, I think of balance as an physical act. Maybe an unconscious physical act. BUT EVERYTHING is a balancing act. Living a healthy style means a balanced lifestyle.

Balanced in all aspect of human life. Our diet, work schedule, day to day, movement, etc...
Why do we forget this? Why do we just focus on our diet and physicality when it comes to getting or being healthy? 

No... Heath and being healthy means to be BALANCED in EVERY aspect of LIVING... Thus it is a journey. Something we work on every single day. Because we are MORE than the sum of our PARTS... We are more than just physical beings. To be truly healthy and balanced means mental health, emotional/spiritual health, social health  are ALL good and on the same level.

This is hard to achieve because we CANNOT control all the aspects of our being and let's be honest life plays a role too...


I want to start thinking and working on a BALANCED HEALTHY lifestyle. Start looking at me as  a whole. 

This is what makes us HUMAN and why we are AMAZING beings!!

Keep Moving!!




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