
Showing posts from October, 2017

Where it begins

HI There This is a special blog. One of my clients that read my blogs asked me where my fascination with movement lies. I always seem to talk about movement in the present and future and not so much from where it begins. I usually only address it as Life Is Movement. It is one of the 8 characteristics of life.  So this blog is dedicated to where movement begins. Why my world revolves around it. For conception to take place we need the sperm to move to the ovum. From there it needs to enter (through movement) the ovum for conception to take place. I am not going to go to deep in the biology and physiology of this process but basically a lot movement takes place in the whole process. Cells divide and multiply and a fetus is formed. We even move in the womb. We never stop moving from the beginning and it took movement for us to exist.  Through growth (movement in a different form) we expand our knowledge, skills and experiences through movement. Movement dictates o...


Hi There  I am going to go on a rant here...  This is why I despise the media and the way they "sell" exercise! They are LYING TO YOU!!! There is NO pill that is going to make you lose weight without YOU changing SOMETHING in your lifestyle. There is a reason you are where you are health wise, weight wise, mentally etc. This is why we lose the weight and gain it all back most of the time even more.   Worst is that we know it!!! We are just accustomed to instant gratification. We do not want to wait! Sorry but it is not how it works... You have to do the work... No magic here .. . The magic is within YOU. Start doing it for YOU. No other reason, because it is going to get hard. You are not all of a sudden going to love cardio... The mind needs to change. This is why I call it movement. Every aspect of your life is going to be affected by this movement... By you moving more. No one can make you promises.  Follw this link to You Need To Do The...

The Obstacles We Create

Hi There  An Obstacle is defined by Google as a thing that blocks one's way or prevents or hinders progress. That pretty much says it all. Isn't  funny that we love obstacle courses? I mean it is a sport. It is almost as if our species cannot accept an easy way to achieve certain goals! Think about it... Some people just see obstacles others see challenges. Attitude is the only  difference.  I believe we sometimes create our own obstacles. We do this out of fear, obsession end various other feelings, but the important thing is we create them. Which mean we can overcome them. We are the mastermind behind them!! A good example of this is when trying to incorporate movement into one's life... I don't have time, it is hard, I look stupid... All obstacles we created.There is always a way. The obstacles that we create are usually subjective not objective so in other words inflated... by you. It all come down to YOU. Are you going to be blocked by our own...

It Is OK To Rest

Hi There  It is getting close to the end of the year. Depending on where you live, holiday season is upon us! The year has flown by! So many new adventures began and some are starting and... some are ending.  Isn't is amazing that we can have all three at the same time with different or even the same aspects of our lives! This is the complex beings we are! I absolutely love the complicated mess we are and at the same time organized!! Most of us start shutting down this time of year. We just want to finish, does not matter how as long as we finish.  I just want to say one thing. We must remember we are not perfect beings, we cannot do everything perfect. We strive for this and personally I believe this is why we are seeing the increase of burn out- even in our kids! Society makes us believe we need to be perfect in every aspect and way in our life. THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE. It should be our vision NOT our goal. What is the difference? "A vision is an unreachable id...

Hiatus Over... I am Back!

Hi There  Sorry for my hiatus...More on that @  my personal blog     I have been moving through the motions and even though I love movement, just moving is not good. Movement should always have direction. Does not matter what the direction of movement, it just needs intention... Movement is action. And as we all know. Action speaks louder than words. we can say all we want but it is what we DO that counts!! Let us carry on with moving with intention and a positive attitude.  Keep Moving until ne xt time 👋