
Showing posts from January, 2020

Week 5 #2020 Adjusting Our Focus

Hi There Now this is the week where we really start working!! I am so excited!!! This week we are going to start focusing. We are going to focus on how we focus😜!!How do you prioritize? How do you make something the focus? How do you decide what your focus will be. I want you to zoom in on "the Why?".Why is it import? Why focus on....? I want you to dig deep on the process of getting you focus or focus point. Some great reading on this topic is the book Start With Why from Simon Sinek. Your Why is also your motivation. If you know your why, when it gets rough and tough... YOU KNOW WHY you are pushing through!     This week.  WEEK 5 of #2020 What can you do to focus more efficiently? What do you think is the act of focusing? How do you focus. What needs some focus? What is your WHY? Please let me know  Next week (Week 6 of #2020) we will be examining our habits. Thanks for reading!!  #NeverStopMoving  Keep Moving 👋✌ paypal...

Week 4 #2020 As in life it is the small things that count

Hi There It is always the small things in life that makes life wonderful. We all have heard it before and experienced this in our own life. It is exactly the same in movement.  We do not experience the multitude of benefits that everyone throws in our faces; the next day or even the next week. Usually it starts about at month three of FREQUENT movement. But there are other small things we conquer, like standing up without groaning! In other words with ease!!! That on its own is already improving YOUR life and it is small but it means a lot.   The hardest thing in life is to BEGIN. Once you have BEGUN, you just have to push through, carry on, which is much easier!  Nothing worthwhile comes easy.  Keep Moving until next time 👋

Week 4 #2020Think Big, Start Small

Hi There  What we do today has an impact in our future. We all know this. We remember this with the "big" things; but it is also true for all the little/small things we do. Like drinking more water, eating better, moving more than usual. It is in the small changes that we make where our big successes comes from. When we think big it overwhelms us, but that is the big picture not the process or journey towards our success.When we reach success; people don't ask about how you got there. You are just seen as successful.But there is ALWAYS a path ,Journey ,Process that was followed and it is NEVER easy or WITHOUT STRUGGLE, FAILURE PLATO's Etc. This Journey is for you and what you can achieve being balanced and healthy throughout your life.  Always keep the big picture in mind;but focus on the process, the journey.  Start Analyzing the small things you do that prevents success? How can you change it? What Small thing can you do to make a big impact on your ...

Week 3 #NeverStopMoving's #2020OneWord REVEAL!!!!

Hi There Aaaaaannnnd #NeverStopMoving's #2020OneWord is.... Drumroll please....Dadadada... #2020Analyse  !!!!!!!!! This year I want us to realize that there is more to EVERYTHING. I want us to focus on becoming fully aware of what affects our being. I want us to change or challenge our perceptions of what health is and what role it plays in our lives. I hope you will join me on this journey; because that is what life is. I want us to realize & analyze what  is important to us as individuals to help the masses around us.  Our focus is going to be how we perceive the world around us This week.  WEEK 3 of #2020 What are your thought on #2020Analyze? Have you realized some stuff about we have talked about? Has your perceptions changed on Goals or Goal setting?  Coming  up next week (Week 4 of #2020) How we will start applying with our #2020OneWord by starting small. Thanks for reading!!  #NeverStopMoving  Keep Moving 👋✌...

Week 2 #2020OneWord

Hi There I told you last time that I do not like to set goals or resolutions.For Goals to work for me they need to be concise and have a structure and that takes planning. Not just another To-Do list. I believe this is why we (me in particular) do not always reach our goals. BUT I do believe having goals is important. It gives everything we do Purpose.  So this is what I do. And to give credit where credit is due. My mentor is the one that got me into this. She is amazing.  I use the #OneWord --Let's call it "system"-- I have personally used it now for 3 years and I'll be carry on this year. Click here for my #OneWord . Using this system is easy and my goals get reached without having 300 separate goals and I STICK to it. .  Here is how it works. Usually by October each year I start reflecting and also put some energy and thought in what I want to focus on next year. Keeping in mind that I have only one word that needs to be inclusive of EVERYTHING. My ONE FO...

Week 1 of #2020 #2020Goal

Hi There I hate this time of the year. Well not really but I hate the "New Year's Resolutions" part of this time of the year! I believe we do not put thought into them. We use the generic :" Get healthy, Stop smoking, la di dah..." But we do not plan or strategize how to keep these goals or resolutions.  Let me explain through an example.  I want to lose weight. From Jan 2nd I am going to run 5 km everyday!!! I am very committed and I actually start running on the 2nd of Jan. Problem here is the following:  1) I have never even walked 5 km let a lone run. 2) It is not going to last because of 1) and the fact that there was no planning involved. 3) I am going to be so stiff - I would not want to carry on....Losing ALL my motivation. Remember. We all had to start at the beginning. We can not start as an EXPERT. We have to WORK  to get there. There is a PROCESS that needs to be followed.  Please join me this year on a journey to discovery and...