
Rolling With The Punches Just Got Real

Hi There  Sometimes things do not go as planned. In fact they go way, way wrong. As a Sport Scientist I see this alot in the sporting environment. We train towards a goal/tournament and we lose due to a technicality or because of bad behaviour. What we need to understand is that there is so much factors that influence our performance. Most if not all to a degree we have no control over them.  This is why training for all of them is impossible but necessary. All the factors should be brought into training. That is why teams has game plan sessions and strategy planning. Because we need to prepare for the unexpected and unforeseen if possible.  The bad part is even if we train for the unsuspected we still have to deal with the technicalities and roll with the punches. As athletes we can not get hung up on the coach/Referee/officials. We still need to perform under scrutiny. We need to build up resilience and not let anything impact their performance....

Sometimes Evolving/Growing Means We Need To Let Go...

Hi There For us to grow or evolve we need to let go of something and life has it, it is usually something we find comfort in or hold dear. It isn't something easy. Maybe simple but not easy.  For us to become healthy we need to give up bad habits. Life is all about give and take. What we give up and what we take up can literally change our lives for good or bad. Sometimes we feel like letting go might be the end, but it can also be the best starting point for your next step forward. Evolving is tough, but something we can not run away from. We can choose to go a long or get dragged along or worse stuck with no growth whatsoever!! I had to let go of something and I am still struggling with it, but to grow and evolve I need to... Letting go is not always the end It is a start to a new begining     Keep Moving until ne xt time 👋

Starting anew.... Again!

Hi There  Today I want to encourage you to start again. Yes I know. Start AGAIN. In this COVID 19 madness, I have lost my routine.MY whole 2020 is in shambles. I lost... like so much. I really feel like we should mourn 2020. I sure did.  BUT TODAY... I am starting ANEW... AGAIN. I am moving forward. Moving on from COVID lockdown...  I am starting Again!! I am getting back on the road to my health and becoming the best me... Will you join me?  Do you feel the same?  Keep Moving Jean-Marie' Roux 

Is Anybody Else Worried?

Hi There  I am worried... Not the freak out....It's the end of the world😟😟😟😟... worried. Just worried. I have spoken to people who will never be the same; will never act "normal" again because of Covid19.  Will we ever hug, shake hands with people we are not that familiar with? How are we going to play sport? Rugby with 15 balls... Does not make sense? Will we become one of those Utopia Cities that everyone looks dull and the same and there are so many rules to keep us "safe".... But actually it is all about keeping control.... Like in the movies?  Who will safe us from that future??!! We all know it is bad because the city never wins in the movies...  I do not want a "new normal". I want "yeah we survived THAT", I want no fear of the person next to or behind you. No fear. To just live and maybe be more cautious and wash my hands more...  I am worried how this will influence sport, fitness and health. Because I believe sweat is good for y...


Hi There  Why is balance so hard?  As a Sport scientist, I think of balance as an physical act. Maybe an unconscious physical act. BUT EVERYTHING is a balancing act. Living a healthy style means a balanced lifestyle. Balanced in all aspect of human life. Our diet, work schedule, day to day, movement, etc... Why do we forget this? Why do we just focus on our diet and physicality when it comes to getting or being healthy?  No... Heath and being healthy means to be BALANCED in EVERY aspect of LIVING... Thus it is a journey. Something we work on every single day. Because we are MORE than the sum of our PARTS... We are more than just physical beings. To be truly healthy and balanced means mental health, emotional/spiritual health, social health  are ALL good and on the same level. This is hard to achieve because we CANNOT control all the aspects of our being and let's be honest life plays a role too... BUT... I want to start thinking and working on a BALANCED HEALTHY...

What Happened !!

H i There  It feels totally unreal. I don't know what to say or even where to start. I had a plan. I wanted to build my blog and post regularly. I planned out my posts. I wrote them and scheduled them to go out automatically. I was so proud of how I started 2020 in a positive and with an actual path planned out. I NEVER do that. Usually the intent is there but never much action. This time there were both!!  WHAT HAPPENED.... Corona Virus... HAPPENED Novel - Corona Virus 19... HAPPENED Covid- 19... HAPPENED Covid SARS 2 ... HAPPENED Whatever you want to call it... IT HAPPENED  The whole world went on LOCK-DOWN.It is a world event that we will tell our kids about... The Pandemic that changed the world. That we lived through it.  With this I want to stay positive and I want to encourage you to take this time, this event, to remember what freedom means to us as beings and that our health should be the biggest and  most important investment you have to make...

Week 14 #2020 As simple as ... Breathing

Hi There In today's society everything is so fast and the focus is more shallow. It is like we do not have time to dig deeper in the world and people around us. We live around each other. I have noticed that we even breathe shallow. After all it is easy and natural. Simple.  Bty breathing correctly we can lower our anxiety levels, feel calm and reduce our stress hormone levels  Here is a video that shows how to breathe correctly. This week let's just BREATHE. . WEEK 14 of #2020 What has been the most eye opening #2020Realization you have made so far? Are you learning anything? Are you making some changes? What do you do for fun? But like that is healthy-ish?  Next week (Week 15 of #2020)  Let's have fun Thanks for reading!!  Please share our thoughts?  #NeverStopMoving  Keep Moving 👋✌ 💨💨💨💨