
... Why So SERIOUS?

Hi There  Today is an absolutely beautiful day!! I love day like these... Birds chirping, sun shining, cold drinks ans just summer all around!! I love it! I realized that everyone around me looks... grumpy, busy and down. Problem is that we all are busy, but we need to look out of our normal view and expanded to more than just what is next on my list... Look at the birds in the trees, hear them. We are so serious... All the time!!! We take everything serious. We get easily offended....Because we are so serious. This also increases our stress levels, which is not good for our health! So my advise today is to figuratively to let your hair down and just be... Dance around with your loved ones and be a bit silly. Have some fun, not only on weekends, but during the week as well....TODAY!!!! Keep Moving until ne xt time 👋

What It Takes To Call Yourself An Athlete

Hi There Not everyone can be an athlete or even wants to be an athlete. Now for some clarification. When I talk about Athlete I am referring to a person training for a sport and competing on an international level or at least trying to get in to the international scene, but nationally he/she is on top of the ranks.They are professionals. Before I get into trouble people participating in sport, but that are not as the above mentioned, are amateur athletes and there is nothing with that. They are the people that keep the sport and passion alive. In their pool the Pro athletes emerges.  An Athlete is not a normal person. An Athlete does not eat, sleep, train the same as a normal person. They push their bodies to where normal people usually get uncomfortable and stop. They do this in a controlled fashion and with help from their coaches and sport scientists, sport doctors and physio's. Their whole life revolves around training, training to win...

Patience is A Virtue... We All Hate

Hi There  Patience is something we do well. Especially in today's lifestyle. We are rushed at work, we rush to get the kids to their activities, before and after school. Then it is homework, housework and prep work for the next day. Where did you take a breath? Where did you have a chance to laugh and play with the kids?  I think we do not even comprehend what it means to be patient. I also believe this is why we fail when we try new things. You want to learn how to draw, you suck, you stop... within a week or two. We want to become fit, so we run a 10k, when we never even ran 5km! We want to lose weight, so eat less, starve for a week, nothing's changed so we give up.  We want it all now. I totally get this because we are use to getting instant gratification. We don't wait for things we use to. For example before Netflix we had to wait an entire week for the next episode, now we wait 20 seconds and lets be honest you never just watch one episode... ...

Im Back... Listen to Your Body...

Hi There Sorry for disappearing. I was sick in a bad way!! But here I am better and ready for action.  As I mentioned before this is usually a stressful time for most of us. I think it is important to remember to even though we have a lot on our plate; we need to rest. If we do not our bodies will force us and this is not good. It is not healthy to push the body to this limit.  We need to learn to communicate with our bodies. Get the brain and body talk the same language. We need to listen to the body, just like the body has to listen to the brain. The brain should be in charge but should also instinctively know to where the body can be pushed in any aspect of life. Literally every aspect of our being. This is what makes the brain-body relationship very delicate. It is hard to cultivate and this is the very essence of where movement patterns need to change, where conscious thought needs to enter the relationship. It all begins with what we think! Work in time to rest...

The Struggle Is Real... Depression

Hi There  Today I want to talk about depression. It is a very real problem in our society. One that does not get spoken a lot. It flares up when we hear about a suicide of a celeb or some young teenager. Then after the buzz is over it is swept under the rug. I think a big part of the problem is that we don't understand what it is, how it works, just that it  exists. I think the only people who can come close to explain it are those suffering from it. They can not tell why but they can enlighten those who are not affected. You see because it has to do with feeling we find it hard to articulate and carry it over, but together we can create a language. Because everybody feels low sometimes and go through emotional rollercoasters, but depression is different. I think it is time to move out of the darkness and talk without judgement.  Movement can help with depression, but the motivation to move is the problem. You want to but feel like lead. This is where a suppo...

From Zemblanity to Serendipity

Hi There  Does anyone feel this way or is it just me... I mean I am suffering with zemblanity... It is almost the end of the year and it feels like I haven't really met all my goals and the time left to achieve them or at least start on them and I would rather not know and not feel like a failure. This is what really gets me going. We automatic focus on the negative!! Instead of looking at it a bit differently. Like what we achieved this year. Maybe you did not lose the weight you wanted, but you started to look after yourself, you started to change your mindset and remember to be healthy is a journey not a destination!!! So let us find serendipity in what we have achieved this far and we still have some time left.  Keep Moving until ne xt time 👋

A Never Ending... Journey

Hi There  This is the time of the year I love to hate. Everyone is restless and tired at the same time. They want the big holiday, but then realize how much still needs to be done. It is also the time that everybody wants the bikini body for December. Problem is that a summer body is made in the winter. There really is no quick fix to being healthy, feeling and looking good. It is a process. Ironically it never stops! We go on a journey with our being and we discover new elements of ourselves. It is a never ending journey....  Enjoy your Monday and let us move through this week!! Keep Moving until ne xt time 👋