
What I Believe About... Movement

Hi There  I am starting a series where I will be writing about my core beliefs about movement, certain movement types etc. These posts will be published Tuesdays and Thursdays. I want to encourage you to submit questions on my beliefs or even if you want to know what I believe about something. Just leave your requests in the comment section below. That said. Let's start with today's topic. My favorite. Movement. I almost want to skip this part because I pretty sure I have said this before. I love movement. I really do believe we were made to move. We were made to enjoy movement, we find joy in movement. This is my core belief.  Life is movement. Movement is one of the characteristics of life... I belief that movement is within us. It is life!!!  The only challenge is to master it. Which I believe is totally possible! We just need to change our mindset about what the media lets us believe about being healthy. We need to know what our goals are and remember we ar...

I've Said It Once... And I'll Say It AGAIN

Hi There  The choice is ours! We decide where we are going and how we move. The only hard part is changing how we think. When it comes to our health and wanting to shed some weight we all of a sudden we think differently. We throw logic out the window and hope for the best. It is a process, a journey. One that we need to prepare for like we do for everything. We just need discipline like for every other important goal or decision we make. If we think it is going to be hard, it is. If we think differently about it and change our motivation for this change it becomes easier. I truly believe we can move to become happy!! Move towards happiness!!! Keep Moving until ne xt time 👋

Getting Personal - What We Think And How We Think Plays a HUGE Role

Hi There😏 This last few weeks has been out of this world. I have grown and take some risks I would not have done in the past!! The most incredible thing is I am... wait for it... at ease! The studio is open and now it is time to get people moving!!! Do not get me wrong I have been working toward this step for a year! I have been stressing and pushing to get here. I know the work is not done, but looking back I see the path I have moved to get here and I can not believe it!! Through this entire journey I have realized my passion and how close to movement I am. Movement is fluid, it does not have a direction unless a force works upon it.  I want to encourage you to move, the more we move physically we start moving with our entire being. I really do believe we were made to move. We were made to enjoy movement, we find joy in movement. This is my core believe and what #NeverStopMoving is all about! It is about getting everybody to move and enjoy life fully!! I want everybod...

A Healthy Body Houses A Healthy Mind And Visa Versa

Hi There Your mindset determines your outcome. How you think and what you think play a huge role in your journey towards the best healthy you! That is why becoming healthy is a full body and mind change and as I have said before the reason it is so hard is that we try to only change one aspect of our whole selves. That never works and that is why we fail. As soon as we incorporate the mind everything changes. Being healthy becomes easier because our resilience is stronger and we get back on track quicker! It is a constant battle against yourself pushing you toward a strong, healthy mind and body. When our mind and body are in sync we can adapt and handle any situation with ease and confidence even if we feel under pressure. #NeverStopMoving now has a premises where group Pilates classes will be held!!! To have achieved this has already been a great journey and I look forward broadening #NeverStopMoving services even more!!! I will keep you posted on #NSM progress!!   ...

Getting Personal... Again... Putting Too Much Pressure On Yourself

Hi There  Why do we always think negative first?  I consider myself a pretty positive person, but I also think and tend to focus on all that can go wrong instead of going right. There are so many things that need to fall in place and you know what? I am stressing about what could go wrong!! That means I am stressing about stuff that has not happened yet!!!! How crazy is that!!! I am literally wasting time and negatively impacting my health and people around me!!! On purpose!!  Easier said than done, but we need to breathe. Prepare for negative things but focus on the positive. Not put pressure on yourself, the world puts enough pressure on us. We do not have to add to that!   . Keep Moving until ne xt time 👋

Kaino.... What?

Hi There  It is Monday! I do not know one person who loves a Monday... Anyway, it is the beginning of our week and it can only go up from here. Today I want to talk about change. Yes, and we all suffer to a degree from Kainotophobia; the fear of change. This is why we usually fail at our new years' resolutions our new "healthy lifestyle". We usually try to change all at once. This is not how change works. The definition even tells us this.  Change noun:  an act or process  through which something becomes different. There needs to be an action and it needs to be processed. Nothing happens all at once. This is why most of us suffer from  Kainotophobia because we do not have the certainty of what the outcome of the change will be. But if we break the change down it becomes gradual and we seem to accept it easier and stick with it.  Let us not suffer from Kainotophobia, but embrace change gradually and change towards being better. W...

Be Happy

Hi There 😉 Sometimes I feel like we attempt to put everything in boxes. We don't  necessarily think that everything is linked. How we feel on the inside plays out somehow or somewhere in our lives. No matter how good we hide it. We use this knowledge when we encourage others or even ourselves when we need to work out the "bad" habits or neglect we do to ourselves. We tend to put others' health before our own, invest emotionally in others. We don't do the same for ourselves! Don't get me wrong. I am not advising everyone become conceited or narcissistic; just take care of yourself so that you can be a more healthy "emotional investor"! It is important to take care of yourself. Be happy and aim to be. Smile because why not? Breathe because we need it!! Live life because you only live once! Keep Moving until ne xt time 👋