
Showing posts from June, 2017

I'm Fine 😐 (Our Biggest Lie)

Hi There Being fine is not what we must be. We should always aim for good,great or awesome.Sometimes I think we aim for just fine.Usually our fine... Well is not fine at all. It is a word we hide behind all our not fine feelings. When did we start being fine? Why have we moved closer to robots with no feelings being perfect? It is our innate nature to be imperfect! It is in this imperfection where our beauty lies! It is ok not to be fine. Take this weekend to work through your feelings and start  next week feeling good, great or awesome     Keep Moving until ne xt time 👋

Wanted: Encouragement...Got Enough Critics!!!

Hi There  Do you  sometimes feel that no matter what you do everyone and everywhere there are critics!!! Don't get me wrong I belief in good criticism given with love or care and to build you up. But sometimes it feels that nothing is good enough and the world is against you. I know I feel like that too sometimes. Working with the body is not always easy. Every body is different. Every part of the body is different. Every person is different. The body works the same but different factors influences everyone differently. It is a great challenge. One that I love. Keeps me on my toes.But it is not always easy. People put a lot of pressure on me to help them reach their goals; but it stays their goal. They need to DO the work. I am there every step of the way to encourage you!!! My whole belief of what I do is to ENCOURAGE everyone to MOVE. Find the JOY in  MOVEMENT. If you ever feel the world or you have to many critics; remember me!!! Do it for YO...

Push Yourself For YOURSELF Because No One Else Is Going To

Hi There  We are halfway through the year! 😲 Can you believe it? It really is true, time moves quickly. Usually around this time I try to make time to reflect on the past six months. Have I reached my goals? What has happened (good or bad) that I did not expect? What is the path forward? I renew and review my goals and motivate myself to reach them.  We need to remember that no one can do it for us. We need to Do the WORK. We need to PUSH ourselves  for OURSELVES! No one else!  Keep Moving until ne xt time 👋

It Really Is All In Your Mind!😏

Hi There I hope you took my advice and made some awesome stories this weekend; or at least renewed you inner power by resting etc. I always go on about the mind. We are more than the sum of our parts (My university professors should be so proud!) We are a whole. Meaning we can not fix one part and then we are all right. The parts function together. That is why I keep on emphasizing that we should see health and fitness the same why. We need to involve all the parts to succeed. The most important part is the BRAIN. It controls everything. Thus changing How we think and see health, fitness etc. We need to create a new "plot twist" to our fitness/ movement regime. We can change how we think about it and make it fun. Have fun with it.We are creative beings. It just takes practice.  Good Luck with creating new Plot twists this week😉 ! Keep Moving until ne xt time 👋

It's Friday!! Allow Yourself To Rest

Hi There  It's FRIDAY!!! I want to encourage you to rest on weekends! To balance out your week. Catch up on social activities (not media) and unwind! Again this is easier said than done... Sometimes I feel like weekends are busier than our weekday's activities!! We need balance in our lives. We all know this. You need to allow yourself to rest and even out your activities of the week. It is important to unwind and de-stress. Make some awesome memories with the fam and friends. Just be for a few hours and you will be amazed how this will increase your productivity during the week. Take care of yourself and be an example to the ones around you!! Go Make Awesome Stories!    Keep Moving until ne xt time 👋

Movement should bring us joy 😊

Hi There After a bit of thought I think I want to share my belief of movement or exercise. I believe that we are all different and that we all have different goals, but that we all need to MOVE. How we move can and probably are very different. That is amazing. It amazes me, it is absolutely awesome. I believe that movement brings us joy. That it physically makes us strong and confident. The problem is we don't move effectively and most of us do not find joy in movement and this saddens me deeply.   Like I said before it is small changes that can help us find joy in movement!    Keep Moving until ne xt time 👋

Mid Week Motivational Poem (Trying Something New)

Hi There Today I want to try something different. As you have probably noticed. I am a HUGE fan of movement. I also believe that health should be done fully. In other words to be healthy means to be balanced in EVERY AREA / ASPECT of your being. I also believe we can not achieve this but we can get damn near close to it. I believe this is part of everybody's goal in life. Today I am leaving you with poem about being free and that sometimes we see boundaries where there are none or with a bit of attitude adjustment can be broken down! You are your own limit .  To Be Free Each person within the boundaries of his own time existence-dimension strives to be free without the confinement of his body or space... You could explore the being of yourself and others... Through courage  and the concurring of Fear within yourself... With the support of others, you could break-through the constraints of life. But... If you have an basic obstacle, ...

Stress Is Stress Is Stress 😖

Hi there We are going to talk about... You have guessed it... Stress. What I am going to tell you might be something different that we don't hear everyday. Your body experiences stress exactly the same way. The problem is that we as beings experience different kinds of stress. We experience emotional stress, work stress, mental stress, physical stress and the list can go on. We understand the difference but the body does not. It experiences all of that stress the exact same way. the same hormones are excreted  every time we stress no matter what type we experience. This is why movement and exercise is so important. While exercise is also seen as stress to the body, the physiological changes within the body to cope with this stress is what is seen to relieve stress. This is why if we don't exercise or move more the stress hormones build up in our bodies over time and this is very bad.It is also why we feel better after a bout of movement or exercise, the feel...

Prep Work... Part Of Life 😕 (Most Important Thing You Will Ever Read!)

Hi there If you look back in our human history; you will see that preparation has always been apart of our natural being. We prepare for everything. We prepare for battle, by training soldiers and making weapons ect. We prepare for our futures by studying, and we even prepare to study by learning to write and read. We as beings also prepare for what may happen. Preparation is apart of our daily living. Preparing is living. My question to you is, if we prepare ourselves, mentally, sometimes spiritually, why do we not prepare our bodies? One of today's most active killers is stress. Our bodies can not take the stress we put on it. We don't prepare it to. We just expect it to cope with it. We would never study for something if we can not read or write. In fact it is  impossible. Why expect the body to be different? We need to prepare the body for the stresses that today's society puts on us. This is not impossible. We just need to make this preparation process just a...

Do You, Be You

Hi There What I absolutely love about movement is that it is as unique as you are. Yes there are principles and some structure to movement; but we can truly make it our own and fit it into what our goals are. When media tells us we should fit into a certain box, it is not true. We need our bodies to live and our movement patterns need to embrace this fact. We move more to stay and maintain our health; which improves our daily living.  Why do we want to "box" how we move if it doesn't work towards our goal or unique movement pattern? We were designed unique; why try to "fit" in? Discover how to incorporate movement into YOUR daily living habits. Be healthy, Be You and Believe in Yourself throughout the journey. Keep Moving until ne xt time 👋

Getting Personal... Training Hard

Hi There I am sorry for disappearing... This last week was hectic. It reminded me of my humanity... I am going to get personal; but don't get use to it. This is not a "Dear Diary" blog. But I think it might help with what this blogging adventure of mine is about; which is to encourage and change our mindset on movement. I am not what you would call an typical athlete. In fact my body build and background does not "fit" the usual attributes of an athlete. That said, I love running. I do cross country competitively, but I compete only against myself. This last few weeks I trained really hard and I got selected for my Province. I ran in my Provincial clothes  and I have never been so proud to wear the Daisy of AGN. I did not expect to get selected.  It made me think that we think we can not do something, but that we are actually capable. We just need to train. Everything comes with training. We train our kids how to be polite and eat ect. We train our brains...