
Showing posts with the label Monday

The Muscle Of The Week...Adductor Magnus

Hi There I am so excited about this week's muscle!! Why, because I believe it is one of the most injury prone muscles that we underestimate! I also believe that we can lessen this "proneness to injury" by stretching this group, namely: Adductor Brevis, Adductor Longest and this week's Adductor Magnus . You see when we move these muscles,it is usually one direction within a joint that can and should be able to move multi- directional. Think about. The hip joInt is multi- directional, but when do we actually open the joint? We walk, run and cycle in one direction. it is rarely where we open the joint, when we do it is usually done quick and the groin gets injured. Thus I believe stretching this group should be implemented in every program for absolutely everybody.   Any Questions?  Adductor Magnus Origin: Ramus of the Ischium, Inferior Pubic Ramus, Tuberosity of the Ischium  . Insertion: Linea Aspera, Adductor Tubercle.  The function of Adducto

Muscle Of The Week...Adductor Brevis

Hi There These last weeks we have started our journey learning the muscles. This is a HUGE under taking. There are +- 600 muscles in the body... So we will be at this for a while... We are also doing this alphabetically to follow logically .Let us do a quick review on what we have learnt these past weeks.  Right off the bat we have learnt some terminology to understand movement patterns and some functions of the muscles. Terminology  From last week we also learnt why  professionals need a language that can be understood internationally. It makes sense no matter where you are a doctor needs to be able to understand the body and communicate what he has done to the body and where it has been done.  I mean can you think of what might go wrong it there is a language barrier between a surgeon and the diagnosis doctor? You might lose a kidney or undergo a wrong procedure. Also Latin is a "dead" language.Meaning it does not change and evolve because we do not use it anymore as

Muscle Of The Week... Abductor Pollicis Longus

Hi There We are busy with all the ABductor muscles. This means muscles that pulls movement away from the mid line of the body! Abduct- The smart way to clarify any movement that is done away from the mid line of the body or extremity. Easy way to remember is that aliens abduct humans FROM earth TO space. So the movement we are carrying out moves away FROM the midline TO where the movement takes place.  I also think of a Jumping Jack to explain this movement. As we jump out with out legs and swing arm open and over we are abducting the legs and arms. Proximal means  nearest point the joint  Distal means furthers point from the joint This week we add Brevis to the list of descriptive words in anatomy. Brevis is the Latin word that means "short" and this brings us to Longus, which ; you've guessed it..."long". Our list so far: Abduction,Proximal,Distal,Brevis...and Longus!!  Remember professionals need a language that can be understood internationall

Muscle Of The Week... Abductor Pollicis Brevis

Hi There We are busy with all the ABductor muscles. This means muscles that pulls movement away from the mid line of the body! Abduct- The smart way to clarify any movement that is done away from the mid line of the body or extremity. Easy way to remember is that aliens abduct humans FROM earth TO space. So the movement we are carrying out moves away FROM the midline TO where the movement takes place.  I also think of a Jumping Jack to explain this movement. As we jump out with out legs and swing arm open and over we are abducting the legs and arms. Proximal means  nearest point the joint  Distal means furthers point from the joint Abductor Pollicis Brevis KenHub explains the Abductor Pollicis Brevis as follows ":This muscle arises from the tubercles of the scaphoid and trapezium, and from the flexor retinaculum. Its short tendon courses to the base of the proximal phalanx and the dorsal aponeurosis of the thumb via the radial sesamoid bone. The abductor pollicis brevis

Muscle Of The Week... Abductor Hallucis

Hi There We are busy with all the ABductor muscles. This means muscles that pulls movement away from the mid line of the body! Just a recap on last week:  Abduct- The smart way to clarify any movement that is done away from the mid line of the body or extremity. Easy way to remember is that aliens abduct humans FROM earth TO space. So the movement we are carrying out moves away FROM the midline TO where the movement takes place.  I also think of a Jumping Jack to explain this movement. As we jump out with out legs and swing arm open and over we are abducting the legs and arms. Make sense?  Abductor Hallucis A lot of the videos and articles groups the muscles of the hand. I am only focussing on the one! KenHub explains the Abductor Hallucis as follows ":The Abductor Hallucis originates at the calcaneal tuberosity, plantar aponeurosis and the superficial layer of the flexor retinaculum. Abductor Hallucis tendon runs distal to the medial sesamoid bone of the great toe and it

Muscle Of The Week... Abductor Digiti Minimi Of The Hand

Hi There So this week's muscle has the exactact name as last week's muscle!! How cool and confusing is that!!! This time its location is in the hand! So that is the best distinction .They both abduct the fifth digit.  Their function is to "pull/move" the fifth digit away from the the body.Abductor Digiti Minimi helps us make the Vulcan Salute   Abduct- The smart way to clarify any movement that is done away from the mid line of the body or extremity. Easy way to remember is that aliens abduct humans FROM earth TO space. So the movement we are carrying out moves away FROM the midline TO where the movement takes place.  I also think of a Jumping Jack to explain this movement. As we jump out with out legs and swing arm open and over we are abducting the legs and arms. Make sense?  Abductor Digiti Minimi A lot of the videos and articles groups the muscles of the hand. I am only focussing on the one! KenHub explains the Abductor Digiti Minimi of the Hand as f

Muscle Of The Week... Abductor Digiti Minimi of the Foot

Hi There I want to apologize for missing last week's Muscle Of The Week (again...), but we have a lot of muscles to cover and I would like to go through all of them! This is an overwhelming ask!! We have so many muscles and ALL of them play a role in our movement! I have decided that working alphabetically might be a better way of navigating the muscles! For the brain and body to talk to one another. They need to speak the same language.  For this to happen we need to be conscious  of where the movement originates and what needs to be done. During my time with clients and athletes I have realized that most of them have little to none body awareness.  Now let me be clear. You do not need to understand or have in- depth knowledge to have good body awareness, but it helps tremendously when you at least know where the muscle is and how it works.  So during this series I am going to try and keep it simple. I will provide you with what I deem credible sources that I use/d during my stud

Muscle of The Week... Latissimus Dorsi

Hi There For the brain and body to talk to one another. They need to speak the same language.  For this to happen we need to be conscious  of where the movement originates and what needs to be done. During my time with clients and athletes I have realized that most of them have little to none body awareness.  Now let me be clear. You do not need to understand or have in- depth knowledge to have good body awareness, but it helps tremendously when you at least know where the muscle is and how it works.  So during this series I am going to try and keep it simple. I will provide you with what I deem credible sources that I use/d during my studies and ongoing quest to fully understand movement. Muscles Of The Week... Latissimus Dorsi. This is the second largest Muscle in the body. This is the most superficial muscle on the back.It also plays a role during breathing.    KenHub explains the Latissimus Dorsi as follows ": The Latissimus Dorsi supports various different movements

DO NOT make New Year's Resolutions

Hi There!!!! Long time no... read? 😕 Anyway, I hope you all had a great festive season and took the time to rest. Remember recovery is important in training thus in our daily lives even more. Today I want to talk about resolutions... Yes, we all make them, we even resolute to not make resolutions!! But we do.  In my personal blog I talk about  #OneWord . Click on the link to read about my #OneWord2017. Also check out my blog for #MyOneWord2018 ! I really believe in this way of doing "resolutions". We are creatures of habit. We pick up habits way more, than breaking them. We all know how challenging this is. This is also the reason why we usually fail. When we try to change too much we fail, but if we change in steps we succeed. Think about it. Everything is done in steps. It has a process.  This is what I want to tell you today. DO NOT I repeat DO NOT make the New Year's Resolution of losing weight!!!! Not only is it a cleshay, but it usually doesn't become

Mind Over Mind: Knowing what to focus on.

Hi There The year is coming to end and I am putting in a lot of thought into next year's challenges. I am also  reflecting on this year  . This was quite a year so much has happened.  I think it is important to keep in mind where we place our focus. This plays a huge role on our motivation. Just like with all things. The mind can be our worst enemy or our best friend. We can work with our body or against it. Knowing where to place our focus and how is going to make the journey quicker and more empowering!!  This time of year  don't just make goal and focus on where you want to be, rather start focussing on HOW you are going to get there. What are you going to change?  Again as with a lot of IMPORTANT thing... Easier said than done.  Keep Moving until ne xt time 👋

Im Back... Listen to Your Body...

Hi There Sorry for disappearing. I was sick in a bad way!! But here I am better and ready for action.  As I mentioned before this is usually a stressful time for most of us. I think it is important to remember to even though we have a lot on our plate; we need to rest. If we do not our bodies will force us and this is not good. It is not healthy to push the body to this limit.  We need to learn to communicate with our bodies. Get the brain and body talk the same language. We need to listen to the body, just like the body has to listen to the brain. The brain should be in charge but should also instinctively know to where the body can be pushed in any aspect of life. Literally every aspect of our being. This is what makes the brain-body relationship very delicate. It is hard to cultivate and this is the very essence of where movement patterns need to change, where conscious thought needs to enter the relationship. It all begins with what we think! Work in time to rest and reme

A Never Ending... Journey

Hi There  This is the time of the year I love to hate. Everyone is restless and tired at the same time. They want the big holiday, but then realize how much still needs to be done. It is also the time that everybody wants the bikini body for December. Problem is that a summer body is made in the winter. There really is no quick fix to being healthy, feeling and looking good. It is a process. Ironically it never stops! We go on a journey with our being and we discover new elements of ourselves. It is a never ending journey....  Enjoy your Monday and let us move through this week!! Keep Moving until ne xt time 👋

Enjoy the Present

Hi There  It is Monday. Just incase you do not know and I am just stating the obvious... Do you ever feel like you have so much to do you are constantly living in and for the future? Where you need to be in the next hour... What you need to do before and in that hour... What's for dinner? We totally forget to live in the present. We need to slow down and BE PRESENT in NOW with what and with who you are doing it. You will never have now again. Even if now seems to be repetitive is is still a now you will never have again. W isolate ourselves by living in the future and not being present. We are so focused on the future we are not living our lives. Life is passing us by and when we have what we pursued we realize we never really lived so many opportunities went and we were to busy to notice.  Live your life now. Be productive today. Be Present.   Keep Moving until ne xt time 👋

I've Said It Once... And I'll Say It AGAIN

Hi There  The choice is ours! We decide where we are going and how we move. The only hard part is changing how we think. When it comes to our health and wanting to shed some weight we all of a sudden we think differently. We throw logic out the window and hope for the best. It is a process, a journey. One that we need to prepare for like we do for everything. We just need discipline like for every other important goal or decision we make. If we think it is going to be hard, it is. If we think differently about it and change our motivation for this change it becomes easier. I truly believe we can move to become happy!! Move towards happiness!!! Keep Moving until ne xt time 👋

A Healthy Body Houses A Healthy Mind And Visa Versa

Hi There Your mindset determines your outcome. How you think and what you think play a huge role in your journey towards the best healthy you! That is why becoming healthy is a full body and mind change and as I have said before the reason it is so hard is that we try to only change one aspect of our whole selves. That never works and that is why we fail. As soon as we incorporate the mind everything changes. Being healthy becomes easier because our resilience is stronger and we get back on track quicker! It is a constant battle against yourself pushing you toward a strong, healthy mind and body. When our mind and body are in sync we can adapt and handle any situation with ease and confidence even if we feel under pressure. #NeverStopMoving now has a premises where group Pilates classes will be held!!! To have achieved this has already been a great journey and I look forward broadening #NeverStopMoving services even more!!! I will keep you posted on #NSM progress!!        Keep Mo

It Really Is All In Your Mind!😏

Hi There I hope you took my advice and made some awesome stories this weekend; or at least renewed you inner power by resting etc. I always go on about the mind. We are more than the sum of our parts (My university professors should be so proud!) We are a whole. Meaning we can not fix one part and then we are all right. The parts function together. That is why I keep on emphasizing that we should see health and fitness the same why. We need to involve all the parts to succeed. The most important part is the BRAIN. It controls everything. Thus changing How we think and see health, fitness etc. We need to create a new "plot twist" to our fitness/ movement regime. We can change how we think about it and make it fun. Have fun with it.We are creative beings. It just takes practice.  Good Luck with creating new Plot twists this week😉 ! Keep Moving until ne xt time 👋