
Showing posts from May, 2017

Increased Awesomeness

Hi There  There are days where you feel that you just can't keep up and you do not want to keep moving... These are the days we need to just stick with it... We can not give up. Remember as I mentioned before: To start is always the hardest step to take. When we are busy or "in it" it is easier to just carry on, push through, keep moving. The best part about it; is that you get stronger. It gets easier to carry on. This is the secret. There is no easy way, quick fix, no magic potion. You need to work for it. It is a journey that never ends, but has the potential to create the BEST YOU!!! We just need to think differently about movement and work it to our benefit. We were made to move. We find joy in movement. We just lost the ability to read our bodies and move it to our benefit and goals.  Sooo... When we experience these days... Just carry on and work on your increased awesomeness by doing it for yourself. Realize you are getting stronger!! Keep Moving until...

Dedication Toward You

Hi There  It is Monday today. The start of a week. The way we start...well just about everything is usually how we end it. Yes, we do go through some ups,downs and rough patches, but usually our attitude remains pretty much the same. This is also where our own motivation plays a role. We need to be dedicated when the "downs" and "rough patches" threatens our attitude. This is one part of our commitment to moving more. To do it for no one but yourself. It is an everyday recommit to oneself and the goal one has set for oneself.  Be dedicated to YOU... Not your feelings about yourself! Keep Moving until next time 👋

Everything Is A Choice

Hi There Everything in life is a choice. We need to make a  conscious decision to move more. No one can do the work for you. YOU need to do it. The problem why we end up quitting is because we try to reach our end goal as soon as possible! We don't look at this decision as the start of a new lifestyle, new journey. We need to plan. Be strategic in all aspects. We all know our weakness so we need to work them in, but not focus on them. Your mindset needs to change and that takes time, effort and understanding. A strong support system helps, but they can't force you toward your goal. Start small, build onto your success, use them to push you further. But do it for you... And #NEVERSTOPMOVING Keep Moving until next time 👋

Finding Balance, Easier Said Than Done

Hi There  Life is about balance. We know this. The challenge is finding it. Balance is a skill. We need to practice as we practice any skill. The problem is we do not how to start. My advise is just start... As an person trying and failing myself. We need balance in every aspect of our life. We need to take care of yourselves, because we matter and unfortunately we can not move at the speed of light. We may take it slow and easy as long as we alo go full speed ahead when the time comes. It is hard to let go and be kind to yourselves, but it is part of  gaining balance in our lives! Keep Moving until next time 👋

Be Human; Be Flawsome!!!

Hi There  I was having a hard time today during my running training. I run using an app. The app gives me information on my pace and distance etc.  I was really pushing it today; so essentially dying... When all of a sudden I hear the voice guide telling me "Almost there" in the most unmotivated, automated voice ever!!! Now it never changes and I am use to it, but today it killed me... I needed more than that! Plus I was going slower than what I needed to be going to improve my time!! This made me think.  Here we have the most brilliant apps that give us all the information and feedback one can possibly need to better one training. The best thing is it is instant, but  this still does not keep us motivated  to keep on training. It is cool in the beginning  but it wears off. I believe we should remember we are human. We have good days and bad days and we feel weak and strong. It varies between times, days, weeks and so on... It is fine to not always...

Doing It For You

Hi There Ever heard of someone say: "You can't pour from an empty cup"? How true is this statement! We cannot take care or give of ourselves; if we do not take care or fulfill ourselves. This means making movement a priority. Usually movement or any form of exercise is last on our list. Which means when it is time to move we are exhausted!!  I what to change the statement by saying:"You cannot pour with no cup. " We need to make movement the cup.  If we are weak physically the cup we pour from is weak. How can we really then take care of others? Strong Body = Strong Mind...  Thus what you "pour" out will be strong and powerful.  Let us start by working harder on ourselves to give more to others and start  a metanoia towards a better self.  Keep Moving until next time 👋

Changing How We Reward Ourselves

Hi There  "If you are good you may get a sweet"; " You did great, you deserve an extra scoop of ice-cream" ; I am so proud of you, you may eat a whole chocolate" .... Ever remember hearing some variation of this kind of praise? It is motivation and validation we receive from a very young age. We are conditioned to reward ourselves and others with "bad" (unhealthy) stuff. So when we are being or doing "good" (healthy) we essentially throw away the gains by rewarding with "bad".  We validate eating unhealthy because we plan on working out harder; yet again we reward ourselves for working out harder by eating unhealthy. See the bad cycle we are thrown in?  I suggest we start  rewarding ourselves  with healthy, a new hair do or that skinny jean that you now fit into. Rewarding yourself with a bubble bath or even experiences like hiking because now you CAN!   I highly recommend that we also break the bad cycle with our kids. D...

Health is a JOURNEY not a destination

Hi There  The most important thing you have to remember is that health is a journey NOT a destination. If we understand this concept, we can understand getting healthy is the START of our journey . Being healthy is an action, it is a "doing" word. We can not just be healthy. There are steps and actions involved!!    We need to sustain it.   As soon as they are not being performed we are no longer healthy. As soon as we make the mindshift it starts to make sense and we prepare differently for this journey. We don't set ourselves up for failure. Like any journey there will be ups and downs and we "get" that. We can overcome the difficulties and excel on the straight paths.   It brings me back to just NEVER STOP MOVING. We are evolving beings, we adapt no matter what. We are constantly pushing the limits. Why are we leaving our bodies out of this ambition we seem to be born with?  Keep Moving until next time 👋

Why is it so hard?

Hi There  The problem today is that we are so used to instant gratification that we find it hard to endure and we give up. It is almost to much to accept that  we need to maybe work harder than we are use to; to get results or benefits  that  manifests in the future even near future sounds too far away.  It sounds unattainable. We don't see results tomorrow so it is not working...  We need to start thinking and working for the delayed  gratification and be truly satisfied. It is just about not quitting and changing a few small things.  Keep Moving until next time 👋

Media and Health

Hi There  Media makes it seem so hard to be healthy and fit. This is not the case. I said this before and I will say it again... It is in the small changes we make that really make the difference! Because movement is important in being healthy it is overwhelming to us. We  are all ready so busy where do we cut out time to fit in fitness? The answer is easy.... You incorporate movement into your life.  You don't need to make time; you use the time you have. Just add movement. During your 15 minute coffee break do a 1 minute wall sit or 3 minute brisk walk around the office.  Fitness and health is not what the media makes as perceive. It is not unattainable. You just need to move persistently and consistently  you will gain the benefit. We will find the joy movement brings. Keep Moving until next time 👋

What makes a Personal Trainer good or bad?

Hi There  The difference between a good Personal Trainer and a bad Personal Trainer is your first experience with the Personal Trainer. If the trainer promises you the world; it is probably too good to be true. There should be a relationship built on trust. If you don't trust your trainer you will never reach your full potential or goals.  You should "like" your personal trainer. You are potentially putting your body in the trainer's  hands. He or she has the power to physically hurt you!  Thus it is important to make sure your Personal Trainer is knowledgeable and has credentials. Also make sure you understand the Personal Trainer and that he or she can work with your personality type. He or she needs to be able to "read" how to motivate you and not put you off. The trainer needs to be honest with you from the get go. It is not just sunshine and roses, it is hard work. He or she needs to be what you need to reach your goals without you necessarily ...

Do I need a Personal Trainer?

Hi There  This is an awesome question! But the answer is tricky. As a Sport Scientist I do take on Personal Training clients. I approach them the same as I would any athlete, just with other goals (Remember the goal blog post? The difference is the goal; the why you are doing it).  Many of my Personal Training clients just need me to get them started. They don't need me to per se tell them what to do, but they need me to motivate, check on correct movement, making sure the body isn't taking short cuts etc. That is why I am there with them every session, not necessarily because they can not do it without me. In fact m y goal with ALL my clients is to educate them so that they don't need me to keep moving and reaching their goals. They know how to move safely and correctly.   This being said; I think if you have no movement experience then defiantly start with a personal trainer. If you are knowledgeable about the body and how it moves ,responds to movement and the mi...

Measure Progression Subjectively & Statistically!

Hi There I had a great day! One of my clients made real progress today!  I usually do some basic fitness tests when I start with a new client and carry them throughout our training. I use them as measurements to get an idea of progression or regression and to make my sessions more effective towards my clients unique goals. These test are for both the client and I to make sure our relationship is on track.  I am happy to report that the results showed progress and it was great motivation for my client! I am so proud and feel honored to be part of this progression! I think it is important to measure your movement status both subjectively and statistically. Especially when moral and motivation is low. We must bear in mind that we are human and therefore will never be perfect, but the joy we gain out of moving more effectively is priceless.  Keep your end goal in sight , but also celebrate the small improvements on your way to success. Enjoy the journey an...

Now what? What's Next?

Hi There  Now that we have a better understanding of what exercise is and how movement is part of it. It  is a good time to think about goals. What are your goals? I always encourage my clients and athletes to have goals, but to remember it has to be realistic and they need to be willing to do what it takes. Otherwise you are wasting your time.  We are not all athletes with big goals so my advice would be keep it simple and small; easy to attain and then use it to motivate you to do more, go further, keep moving.  Every major decision in your life took time, effort and guts. Why would this be any different? It is a decision to move more and be healthy . Nothing worth while comes easy, but that doesn't mean you enjoy it less. It is time to put in more thought to our "get healthy" goals, like we would for anything else. Plan and work strategically . Lets set our goals straight before we start chasing them! Keep Moving until n...

Move more or Exercise more?

Hi There Have you noticed that in the previous post the emphasis was on movement not exercise? We need to move more not necessarily exercise harder. It also depends on how you define exercise. What is exercise? Without boring you on the scientific definition, let me simply it. Exercise is everything you do not do regularly and at the same intensity. Thus, athlete's training have periods where they intensify and decrease intensity, to manipulate the body and gaining in performance. It is a well planned strategy involving science. When it comes to us average Joe's the same applies. We need to do the same. the difference between us and the athlete's will be our goals. Think about it, we don't need to train like Usain Bolt to be considered "fit", because we don't  have the same goal as him. So why do we try? We need to become our own "fit" and commit to being healthy. Keep Moving until next time 👋