Media and Health

Hi There 

Media makes it seem so hard to be healthy and fit. This is not the case. I said this before and I will say it again... It is in the small changes we make that really make the difference! Because movement is important in being healthy it is overwhelming to us. We  are all ready so busy where do we cut out time to fit in fitness? The answer is easy.... You incorporate movement into your life. 

You don't need to make time; you use the time you have. Just add movement. During your 15 minute coffee break do a 1 minute wall sit or 3 minute brisk walk around the office. 

Fitness and health is not what the media makes as perceive. It is not unattainable. You just need to move persistently and consistently  you will gain the benefit. We will find the joy movement brings.

Keep Moving until next time👋


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