Move more or Exercise more?

Hi There

Have you noticed that in the previous post the emphasis was on movement not exercise? We need to move more not necessarily exercise harder. It also depends on how you define exercise. What is exercise?

Without boring you on the scientific definition, let me simply it. Exercise is everything you do not do regularly and at the same intensity. Thus, athlete's training have periods where they intensify and decrease intensity, to manipulate the body and gaining in performance. It is a well planned strategy involving science. When it comes to us average Joe's the same applies. We need to do the same. the difference between us and the athlete's will be our goals.

Think about it, we don't need to train like Usain Bolt to be considered "fit", because we don't  have the same goal as him. So why do we try? We need to become our own "fit" and commit to being healthy.

Keep Moving until next time👋



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