Measure Progression Subjectively & Statistically!

Hi There

I had a great day! One of my clients made real progress today! 

I usually do some basic fitness tests when I start with a new client and carry them throughout our training. I use them as measurements to get an idea of progression or regression and to make my sessions more effective towards my clients unique goals. These test are for both the client and I to make sure our relationship is on track. 

I am happy to report that the results showed progress and it was great motivation for my client! I am so proud and feel honored to be part of this progression!

I think it is important to measure your movement status both subjectively and statistically. Especially when moral and motivation is low. We must bear in mind that we are human and therefore will never be perfect, but the joy we gain out of moving more effectively is priceless. 

Keep your end goal in sight , but also celebrate the small improvements on your way to success. Enjoy the journey and knowledge you pick up on the way!!

Keep Moving until next time👋


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