
Showing posts from 2020

Starting anew.... Again!

Hi There  Today I want to encourage you to start again. Yes I know. Start AGAIN. In this COVID 19 madness, I have lost my routine.MY whole 2020 is in shambles. I lost... like so much. I really feel like we should mourn 2020. I sure did.  BUT TODAY... I am starting ANEW... AGAIN. I am moving forward. Moving on from COVID lockdown...  I am starting Again!! I am getting back on the road to my health and becoming the best me... Will you join me?  Do you feel the same?  Keep Moving Jean-Marie' Roux 

Is Anybody Else Worried?

Hi There  I am worried... Not the freak out....It's the end of the world😟😟😟😟... worried. Just worried. I have spoken to people who will never be the same; will never act "normal" again because of Covid19.  Will we ever hug, shake hands with people we are not that familiar with? How are we going to play sport? Rugby with 15 balls... Does not make sense? Will we become one of those Utopia Cities that everyone looks dull and the same and there are so many rules to keep us "safe".... But actually it is all about keeping control.... Like in the movies?  Who will safe us from that future??!! We all know it is bad because the city never wins in the movies...  I do not want a "new normal". I want "yeah we survived THAT", I want no fear of the person next to or behind you. No fear. To just live and maybe be more cautious and wash my hands more...  I am worried how this will influence sport, fitness and health. Because I believe sweat is good for y...


Hi There  Why is balance so hard?  As a Sport scientist, I think of balance as an physical act. Maybe an unconscious physical act. BUT EVERYTHING is a balancing act. Living a healthy style means a balanced lifestyle. Balanced in all aspect of human life. Our diet, work schedule, day to day, movement, etc... Why do we forget this? Why do we just focus on our diet and physicality when it comes to getting or being healthy?  No... Heath and being healthy means to be BALANCED in EVERY aspect of LIVING... Thus it is a journey. Something we work on every single day. Because we are MORE than the sum of our PARTS... We are more than just physical beings. To be truly healthy and balanced means mental health, emotional/spiritual health, social health  are ALL good and on the same level. This is hard to achieve because we CANNOT control all the aspects of our being and let's be honest life plays a role too... BUT... I want to start thinking and working on a BALANCED HEALTHY...

What Happened !!

H i There  It feels totally unreal. I don't know what to say or even where to start. I had a plan. I wanted to build my blog and post regularly. I planned out my posts. I wrote them and scheduled them to go out automatically. I was so proud of how I started 2020 in a positive and with an actual path planned out. I NEVER do that. Usually the intent is there but never much action. This time there were both!!  WHAT HAPPENED.... Corona Virus... HAPPENED Novel - Corona Virus 19... HAPPENED Covid- 19... HAPPENED Covid SARS 2 ... HAPPENED Whatever you want to call it... IT HAPPENED  The whole world went on LOCK-DOWN.It is a world event that we will tell our kids about... The Pandemic that changed the world. That we lived through it.  With this I want to stay positive and I want to encourage you to take this time, this event, to remember what freedom means to us as beings and that our health should be the biggest and  most important investment you have to make...

Week 14 #2020 As simple as ... Breathing

Hi There In today's society everything is so fast and the focus is more shallow. It is like we do not have time to dig deeper in the world and people around us. We live around each other. I have noticed that we even breathe shallow. After all it is easy and natural. Simple.  Bty breathing correctly we can lower our anxiety levels, feel calm and reduce our stress hormone levels  Here is a video that shows how to breathe correctly. This week let's just BREATHE. . WEEK 14 of #2020 What has been the most eye opening #2020Realization you have made so far? Are you learning anything? Are you making some changes? What do you do for fun? But like that is healthy-ish?  Next week (Week 15 of #2020)  Let's have fun Thanks for reading!!  Please share our thoughts?  #NeverStopMoving  Keep Moving 👋✌ 💨💨💨💨

Week 13 #2020 Getting OUT

Hi There Before we move on. How fast has this year gone by? This is why I believe Health is a journey. It is something that we need to customise and personalise constantly. Some see this as a bad thing. But I see it as growth. We change constantly which is a good thing. Remember this is our goal to realize what we need to change. This is a good thing! I hope you had some fun Cardio DANCE sessions this week!! I hope you also had fun! Because if we are on this journey it should be fun!! We cannot just count calories and get sleep and ... and ....and... This is why we fall of the wagon. No, make it possible and make it fun!! This week let us go outside. Take 10 minutes where you just go outside, walk stand. Enjoy a cup of joe. Where I am it is still warm so love it. This is really hard for me to maintain when it gets colder, but I really try to spend at least 10 min outside.So get geared up for however the weather is and just BE outside.  . WEEK 13 of #2020 How was your Cardio ...

Week 12 #2020 Ohhhhh I want to DANCE with somebody!!

Hi There Now this is where the fun starts. The real #Realization of changing how we look at EVERYTHING HEALTH. This is also the part I love. Because it is so much more than just being conscious of our sleep, diet and exercise. I also believe this is why we fail, because it starts as a to-do list. That is not how a healthy lifestyle works. Or even being happy works. It is a state of being. And that is what we are trying to achieve not the to-do list to get there!! Don't get me wrong; diet and sleep etc. are important and should be controlled but it is not the be-all of being healthy. If you follow this blog or my personal blog  you would know that I believe it is a journey to become and stay healthy.  This week I want you to DANCE as your "cardio" session. I want you to be creative. Grab your kids and make memories. Dance and jump with them on your favorite song and play it loud! Laugh at your own or their moves! Show them that Mom and Dad can have fun! Play one song, pl...

Week 11 #2020 Fruit & Veg...Inseparable Couple?

Hi There I just want to hear how it went adding these two to our diet? Have you notice any changes? Any Recipes? Please share with me. Thank You WEEK 11 of #2020 Next week (Week 12 of #2020) We Mooove   away from our diets and start with adding Movement to our days!!! Thanks for reading!!  Please share our thoughts?  #NeverStopMoving  Keep Moving 👋✌

Week 10 #2020 Veggies :"Everybody Hates Me!"

Hi There Now that we have added fruit to our diet. Lets add Veggies this week. I want us to change how we see Veggies and try not just put them down. Try new recipes.I truly believe we are "taught to hate Veggies. Or we are born to hate them. When I got over the idea that Veggies are disgusting. I started to enjoy them. I love Broccoli. pumpkin etcetera. I believe the way we prepare them might be the problem. I also believe we should get creative as to how and when we should eat Veggies? Why can we not add them as snacks or something, rather than adding them to our plates?   WEEK 10 of #2020 How has the fruit gone? Has it been easy to add them? What struggles have you been having?  Do  you have any interesting ways or recipes for Veggies? What are your favorite Veggies? Next week (Week 11 of #2020) Fruit & Veg the inseparable couple? Thanks for reading!!  Please share our thoughts?  #NeverStopMoving  Keep Moving 👋✌ ...

Week 9 #2020 Getting more Fruity

Hi There I hope you are much more hydrated!  On your journey we are going to talk and think about a lot of concepts that doesn't get mentioned when we normally talk about health.Remember health is a state of being, thus everything in that "being". We are also multifaceted beings so we need to look at the whole picture. That being said, there are some fundamental things we need to do to become more healthy. Drinking more water was one of them and Sleep,which will be our focus this week, is the other.  We need sleep.... It is fundamental in our growth and being alive!!!!!  Because Sleep is such an IMPORTANT part and I believe in today's society we do not sleep enough. I am leaving you with a  TED Talk . I love this one, I've watched it like a lot and I learn each and every time! Please watch the Talk and let me know what you think. WEEK 8 of #2020 How did it go? Did you get in more water? Do you struggle to sleep? Is it hard to fall asleep, to shut down?  ...

Week 9 #2020 Let's get Fruity

Hi There Let's get fruity. Yes, adding them to our diet!! Fruits are a great way to keep our blood sugar under control. Only one or many. Be creative on how you add them. This is something that I struggle with. I get bored. Yes, an Apple a day, keeps the doctor away! Buuuuut... It is boring. I get tired of them. Also I travel a lot throughout the day, so I want and need something (like an apple😒) that is easy to eat and can be done on the go...and quick. This makes it hard. I try to get in as much fruit as possible, but not enough. The other thing that gets in my way is when I buy them in bulk they do not stay fresh and I cannot eat them all in 2 days!! Some are expensive and I do not want to go shopping every second day!!   To combat this I have started to make fruit smoothies. They work. I still buy bulk but I freeze half of them for my smoothies and eat the rest as snacks through the day. By day 3 or 4 I make a fruit salad for a meal of for us as a dessert! I try to kee...

Week 8 #2020 Getting in your ZZZZ's

Hi There I hope you are much more hydrated!  On our journey we are going to talk and think about a lot of concepts that doesn't get mentioned when we normally think or talk about health.Remember health is a state of being, thus everything in that "being" needs to be healthy. We are also multifaceted beings so we need to look at the whole picture. That being said😀(pun intended), there are some fundamental things we need to do to become more healthy. Drinking more water was one of them and Sleep,which will be our focus this week, is the other.  We need sleep.... It is fundamental in our growth and being alive!!!!!  Because Sleep is such an IMPORTANT part and I believe in today's society we do not sleep enough. I am leaving you with a TED Talk . I love this one, I've watched it like a lot and I learn each and every time! Please watch the Talk and let me know what you think. WEEK 8 of #2020 How did it go? Did you get in more water? Do you struggle to sleep? I...

Week 7 #2020 H2O...

Hi There This week I want us to drink more water. Read again... Not force yourself to drink more water, just to drink more water. Follow this link to get a rough idea on how much water you should be taking in.P. S. it is just a rough estimate. Try to get to or just close to your results. If that sounds to hard how about starting with one cup a day and increase that by one cup a day for this week. Focus on the process of how you are going to reach this goal, not just to drink more water. This way we incorporate it into our lives, it becomes a "normal" for us. Remember we are changing how we see things.  This is how I do it. I really need to at least drink one cup a day. Also I love coffee...Which dehydrates the body ...Not Hydrate... So I motivate myself. For every 2 cups of water I get to enjoy a coffee guild free. I have realised that my drinking habits are just that,HABITS. Sometimes I am not in the mood for coffee but I work with a cup next to me. So I started to chan...

Week 6 #2020 Identifying our Habits - Good or Bad

Hi There Now that we are aware of how we focus. How we process the act of deciding what our focus is. Let us focus on our  habits. Not just the bad ones like we always do. No, we are going to identify good and bad habits. Make a list of these habits. Remember this is for you. NO ONE ELSE. I want you to choose ONE. And I am going to challenge you to focus on one GOOD habit. Just because we do not usually focus on our good habits. This week try to reinforce the good habit. Each week add another to focus on. Then start adding NEW GOOD habits.     This week.  WEEK 6 of #2020 Were you just focusing on your bad habits? Why? Are you going to accept my challenge and focus on a good one? Reinforce it? What was the ratio of good vs. bad habits?  Next week (Week 7 of #2020) we are going to talk about.... H2O. Thanks for reading!!  #NeverStopMoving  Keep Moving 👋✌

Week 5 #2020 Adjusting Our Focus

Hi There Now this is the week where we really start working!! I am so excited!!! This week we are going to start focusing. We are going to focus on how we focus😜!!How do you prioritize? How do you make something the focus? How do you decide what your focus will be. I want you to zoom in on "the Why?".Why is it import? Why focus on....? I want you to dig deep on the process of getting you focus or focus point. Some great reading on this topic is the book Start With Why from Simon Sinek. Your Why is also your motivation. If you know your why, when it gets rough and tough... YOU KNOW WHY you are pushing through!     This week.  WEEK 5 of #2020 What can you do to focus more efficiently? What do you think is the act of focusing? How do you focus. What needs some focus? What is your WHY? Please let me know  Next week (Week 6 of #2020) we will be examining our habits. Thanks for reading!!  #NeverStopMoving  Keep Moving 👋✌ paypal...

Week 4 #2020 As in life it is the small things that count

Hi There It is always the small things in life that makes life wonderful. We all have heard it before and experienced this in our own life. It is exactly the same in movement.  We do not experience the multitude of benefits that everyone throws in our faces; the next day or even the next week. Usually it starts about at month three of FREQUENT movement. But there are other small things we conquer, like standing up without groaning! In other words with ease!!! That on its own is already improving YOUR life and it is small but it means a lot.   The hardest thing in life is to BEGIN. Once you have BEGUN, you just have to push through, carry on, which is much easier!  Nothing worthwhile comes easy.  Keep Moving until next time 👋

Week 4 #2020Think Big, Start Small

Hi There  What we do today has an impact in our future. We all know this. We remember this with the "big" things; but it is also true for all the little/small things we do. Like drinking more water, eating better, moving more than usual. It is in the small changes that we make where our big successes comes from. When we think big it overwhelms us, but that is the big picture not the process or journey towards our success.When we reach success; people don't ask about how you got there. You are just seen as successful.But there is ALWAYS a path ,Journey ,Process that was followed and it is NEVER easy or WITHOUT STRUGGLE, FAILURE PLATO's Etc. This Journey is for you and what you can achieve being balanced and healthy throughout your life.  Always keep the big picture in mind;but focus on the process, the journey.  Start Analyzing the small things you do that prevents success? How can you change it? What Small thing can you do to make a big impact on your ...

Week 3 #NeverStopMoving's #2020OneWord REVEAL!!!!

Hi There Aaaaaannnnd #NeverStopMoving's #2020OneWord is.... Drumroll please....Dadadada... #2020Analyse  !!!!!!!!! This year I want us to realize that there is more to EVERYTHING. I want us to focus on becoming fully aware of what affects our being. I want us to change or challenge our perceptions of what health is and what role it plays in our lives. I hope you will join me on this journey; because that is what life is. I want us to realize & analyze what  is important to us as individuals to help the masses around us.  Our focus is going to be how we perceive the world around us This week.  WEEK 3 of #2020 What are your thought on #2020Analyze? Have you realized some stuff about we have talked about? Has your perceptions changed on Goals or Goal setting?  Coming  up next week (Week 4 of #2020) How we will start applying with our #2020OneWord by starting small. Thanks for reading!!  #NeverStopMoving  Keep Moving 👋✌...

Week 2 #2020OneWord

Hi There I told you last time that I do not like to set goals or resolutions.For Goals to work for me they need to be concise and have a structure and that takes planning. Not just another To-Do list. I believe this is why we (me in particular) do not always reach our goals. BUT I do believe having goals is important. It gives everything we do Purpose.  So this is what I do. And to give credit where credit is due. My mentor is the one that got me into this. She is amazing.  I use the #OneWord --Let's call it "system"-- I have personally used it now for 3 years and I'll be carry on this year. Click here for my #OneWord . Using this system is easy and my goals get reached without having 300 separate goals and I STICK to it. .  Here is how it works. Usually by October each year I start reflecting and also put some energy and thought in what I want to focus on next year. Keeping in mind that I have only one word that needs to be inclusive of EVERYTHING. My ONE FO...