
Showing posts with the label Commitment

Muscle of The Week... Latissimus Dorsi

Hi There For the brain and body to talk to one another. They need to speak the same language.  For this to happen we need to be conscious  of where the movement originates and what needs to be done. During my time with clients and athletes I have realized that most of them have little to none body awareness.  Now let me be clear. You do not need to understand or have in- depth knowledge to have good body awareness, but it helps tremendously when you at least know where the muscle is and how it works.  So during this series I am going to try and keep it simple. I will provide you with what I deem credible sources that I use/d during my studies and ongoing quest to fully understand movement. Muscles Of The Week... Latissimus Dorsi. This is the second largest Muscle in the body. This is the most superficial muscle on the back.It also plays a role during breathing.    KenHub explains the Latissimus Dorsi as follows ": The Latissimus Dorsi supports various different movements

1D Thinking Towards A Multidimensional Body

Hi There One thing that really get me going is how we think about the body and "fitness". It is like when it comes to the body we become stupid. Sorry for being crass but we do. Think about it.  If your 5 year old comes to you ans says he/she wants to be a pilot; you do not just allow him/she to fly a plane. No. There is a process. We might encourage  him/she by giving them books and letting them watch movies about the subject.  Firstly there is a knowledge set required and physical training involved. And he/she is going to need to grow up first. This makes sense right?  Why will it be any different with the body? We train the body in increments. We do not just run a 5 km when we haven't even walked 1 km!! How does that makes sense?? There is a process and a set of knowledge involved and some physical training involved!!! We are more than the some of our parts. We have a emotional/motivational aspect to take in account and that is not all. We have physical deficit

Having Accountability Works Better

Hi There  My blogging this year is very slow, I want to ask the followers to bear with me. I want to give you quality content to read and I REALLY do believe that what I have ta say can make a difference, And what I have to say is important. That is why I do not want to bombard you with blogs that don't mean anything or just to waffle useless information... That said let us get to this blog. I want to encourage you today to make movement fun. I have been looking a lot at exercise Youtube videos. I have also thought about exercise fads that come and go... Like Tae Bo, Zumba, Insanity  etc. They come because they are fun, they go because we do not get good instruction and most likely get hurt and motivation to keep going gets lost. Following an instructional Dvd or whatever medium your are using does not motivate you to carry on and you get bored. He always says the same thing wears the same thing, nothing changes. Also you are in control of your session and if you decide to skip

The Lie We Tell Ourselves

Hi There  The biggest lie we tell ourselves and everyone who asks is.... I HATE EXERCISE... Yes you read correctly. It is a lie you tell everyone and you begin to believe it. Just hear me out. Firstly, usually you do it wrong... Read my last  blog on this matter. (Click this link)  ... and sometimes injure ourselves or over do it to the point that we do not want to go through the PAIN again... not the exercise... the PAIN.  Secondly, how do we know we are getting old or unfit? Isn't funny that we do not always realise or rather it takes us way longer to realise we are fitter than were but it takes us an instant to realise we are losing it? We only think of "exercise" when we realise we are moving harder or becoming tired more often. It is not the action of movement we hate it is the reaction from it because we usually do it wrong. We as human beings love to move. I believe it is a blessing, because we are the only species that do movement consciously. We literally

RECOVERY: Something to PRIORITIZE in 2018!

Hi There Recovery is an important part of training and life. As humans we need rest. If we do not rest we die or suffer serious health issues.This fact should show that recovery should be planned and prioritized in our life.  As a Sport Scientist, I am going to explain recovery in terms of Training and because this science has to do with enhancing performance it is easy to see that recovery has the same importance in normal regular life. Again I am going to explain it as simple as possible. I am not going to use big words to try and convince you I am smart and you should listen to me. I want you to understand that taking some time to recover, (whether it is mentally, physically, spiritually ect. because we are more than just one thing, we are more than the sum of or parts!) is important and should be prioritized.  As a Sport Scientist, I measure "fitness" by how quick you recover from exertion. The quicker you recover the "more fit" you are. In other words:

DO NOT make New Year's Resolutions

Hi There!!!! Long time no... read? 😕 Anyway, I hope you all had a great festive season and took the time to rest. Remember recovery is important in training thus in our daily lives even more. Today I want to talk about resolutions... Yes, we all make them, we even resolute to not make resolutions!! But we do.  In my personal blog I talk about  #OneWord . Click on the link to read about my #OneWord2017. Also check out my blog for #MyOneWord2018 ! I really believe in this way of doing "resolutions". We are creatures of habit. We pick up habits way more, than breaking them. We all know how challenging this is. This is also the reason why we usually fail. When we try to change too much we fail, but if we change in steps we succeed. Think about it. Everything is done in steps. It has a process.  This is what I want to tell you today. DO NOT I repeat DO NOT make the New Year's Resolution of losing weight!!!! Not only is it a cleshay, but it usually doesn't become

What It Takes To Call Yourself An Athlete

Hi There Not everyone can be an athlete or even wants to be an athlete. Now for some clarification. When I talk about Athlete I am referring to a person training for a sport and competing on an international level or at least trying to get in to the international scene, but nationally he/she is on top of the ranks.They are professionals. Before I get into trouble people participating in sport, but that are not as the above mentioned, are amateur athletes and there is nothing with that. They are the people that keep the sport and passion alive. In their pool the Pro athletes emerges.  An Athlete is not a normal person. An Athlete does not eat, sleep, train the same as a normal person. They push their bodies to where normal people usually get uncomfortable and stop. They do this in a controlled fashion and with help from their coaches and sport scientists, sport doctors and physio's. Their whole life revolves around training, training to win, be the best. They eat to tra

Patience is A Virtue... We All Hate

Hi There  Patience is something we do well. Especially in today's lifestyle. We are rushed at work, we rush to get the kids to their activities, before and after school. Then it is homework, housework and prep work for the next day. Where did you take a breath? Where did you have a chance to laugh and play with the kids?  I think we do not even comprehend what it means to be patient. I also believe this is why we fail when we try new things. You want to learn how to draw, you suck, you stop... within a week or two. We want to become fit, so we run a 10k, when we never even ran 5km! We want to lose weight, so eat less, starve for a week, nothing's changed so we give up.  We want it all now. I totally get this because we are use to getting instant gratification. We don't wait for things we use to. For example before Netflix we had to wait an entire week for the next episode, now we wait 20 seconds and lets be honest you never just watch one episode... While being pat

Enjoy the Present

Hi There  It is Monday. Just incase you do not know and I am just stating the obvious... Do you ever feel like you have so much to do you are constantly living in and for the future? Where you need to be in the next hour... What you need to do before and in that hour... What's for dinner? We totally forget to live in the present. We need to slow down and BE PRESENT in NOW with what and with who you are doing it. You will never have now again. Even if now seems to be repetitive is is still a now you will never have again. W isolate ourselves by living in the future and not being present. We are so focused on the future we are not living our lives. Life is passing us by and when we have what we pursued we realize we never really lived so many opportunities went and we were to busy to notice.  Live your life now. Be productive today. Be Present.   Keep Moving until ne xt time 👋

What I Believe About...Pilates

Hi There Welcome to the #BeliefSeries! This is where I share my core belief about certain topics. You are welcome to comment and leave a topic to be discussed. The #Belief Series  features Tuesdays and Thursday! Onward to today's topic... Pilates  I love Pilates.I believe that Pilates is a great form of exercise and should be part of every exercise regime. In fact I believe that everyone should at least start with Pilates before they move on to other forms of exercise. I say this because Pilates teaches control over our movement. We consciously do every movement and at the same time learn the correct way to activate and deactivate muscles we were never aware af. We also learn how breathing plays a role in our movement.  Pilates is a great way to teach the body and mind to communicate; talk the same language!  It is very conducive for this process because of the focus that it takes and the environment is also more  relaxed. Thus you can focus on your movement and there will alwa

I've Said It Once... And I'll Say It AGAIN

Hi There  The choice is ours! We decide where we are going and how we move. The only hard part is changing how we think. When it comes to our health and wanting to shed some weight we all of a sudden we think differently. We throw logic out the window and hope for the best. It is a process, a journey. One that we need to prepare for like we do for everything. We just need discipline like for every other important goal or decision we make. If we think it is going to be hard, it is. If we think differently about it and change our motivation for this change it becomes easier. I truly believe we can move to become happy!! Move towards happiness!!! Keep Moving until ne xt time 👋

Getting Personal - What We Think And How We Think Plays a HUGE Role

Hi There😏 This last few weeks has been out of this world. I have grown and take some risks I would not have done in the past!! The most incredible thing is I am... wait for it... at ease! The studio is open and now it is time to get people moving!!! Do not get me wrong I have been working toward this step for a year! I have been stressing and pushing to get here. I know the work is not done, but looking back I see the path I have moved to get here and I can not believe it!! Through this entire journey I have realized my passion and how close to movement I am. Movement is fluid, it does not have a direction unless a force works upon it.  I want to encourage you to move, the more we move physically we start moving with our entire being. I really do believe we were made to move. We were made to enjoy movement, we find joy in movement. This is my core believe and what #NeverStopMoving is all about! It is about getting everybody to move and enjoy life fully!! I want everybody to

A Healthy Body Houses A Healthy Mind And Visa Versa

Hi There Your mindset determines your outcome. How you think and what you think play a huge role in your journey towards the best healthy you! That is why becoming healthy is a full body and mind change and as I have said before the reason it is so hard is that we try to only change one aspect of our whole selves. That never works and that is why we fail. As soon as we incorporate the mind everything changes. Being healthy becomes easier because our resilience is stronger and we get back on track quicker! It is a constant battle against yourself pushing you toward a strong, healthy mind and body. When our mind and body are in sync we can adapt and handle any situation with ease and confidence even if we feel under pressure. #NeverStopMoving now has a premises where group Pilates classes will be held!!! To have achieved this has already been a great journey and I look forward broadening #NeverStopMoving services even more!!! I will keep you posted on #NSM progress!!        Keep Mo

Kaino.... What?

Hi There  It is Monday! I do not know one person who loves a Monday... Anyway, it is the beginning of our week and it can only go up from here. Today I want to talk about change. Yes, and we all suffer to a degree from Kainotophobia; the fear of change. This is why we usually fail at our new years' resolutions our new "healthy lifestyle". We usually try to change all at once. This is not how change works. The definition even tells us this.  Change noun:  an act or process  through which something becomes different. There needs to be an action and it needs to be processed. Nothing happens all at once. This is why most of us suffer from  Kainotophobia because we do not have the certainty of what the outcome of the change will be. But if we break the change down it becomes gradual and we seem to accept it easier and stick with it.  Let us not suffer from Kainotophobia, but embrace change gradually and change towards being better. Work through the process and learn along

Wise Words...Forever is Composed Of Nows

Hi There What a week it has been and it is only the second day😑! I always have a mixed relationship towards these type of weeks. Yes relationship, our lives are comprised of relationships. These weeks makes me feel super productive (If I am that is a whole other story), time flies and I get super tired even overwhelmed. During these times so many "priorities","To-Do's"and time for myself and enjoyment fade and gets move to "next week" or "next time" and our favorite "tomorrow" ( the one that never comes). We forget that every single task we do trickles down to our "forever". Our future is comprised of what we are doing now! It is not good to keep on moving time for ourselves to whenever  we will end up never doing the small things that really contribute to our well being. Like making movement a priority and keep it one even during the rough weeks!! Keep Moving until ne xt time 👋

We Are Free To Choose, But Not From The Consequence

Hi There I absolutely love this picture.The words are so true!! We are so focused on choice we forget that all choices has consequences; good or bad. We have to live with it. It is the exact way the body works. Every movement or lack thereof has an impact. This "impact" builds up through the years, months,weeks or even days. We also have some risk factors thrown in with it as well as genetics ( predisposal towards certain diseases 😕 ). We cannot control everything and we are not free from your choices, but we can do our best. Choose small changes. Remember it is all in the mind.    Keep Moving until ne xt time 👋

Push Yourself For YOURSELF Because No One Else Is Going To

Hi There  We are halfway through the year! 😲 Can you believe it? It really is true, time moves quickly. Usually around this time I try to make time to reflect on the past six months. Have I reached my goals? What has happened (good or bad) that I did not expect? What is the path forward? I renew and review my goals and motivate myself to reach them.  We need to remember that no one can do it for us. We need to Do the WORK. We need to PUSH ourselves  for OURSELVES! No one else!  Keep Moving until ne xt time 👋

It Really Is All In Your Mind!😏

Hi There I hope you took my advice and made some awesome stories this weekend; or at least renewed you inner power by resting etc. I always go on about the mind. We are more than the sum of our parts (My university professors should be so proud!) We are a whole. Meaning we can not fix one part and then we are all right. The parts function together. That is why I keep on emphasizing that we should see health and fitness the same why. We need to involve all the parts to succeed. The most important part is the BRAIN. It controls everything. Thus changing How we think and see health, fitness etc. We need to create a new "plot twist" to our fitness/ movement regime. We can change how we think about it and make it fun. Have fun with it.We are creative beings. It just takes practice.  Good Luck with creating new Plot twists this week😉 ! Keep Moving until ne xt time 👋

Mid Week Motivational Poem (Trying Something New)

Hi There Today I want to try something different. As you have probably noticed. I am a HUGE fan of movement. I also believe that health should be done fully. In other words to be healthy means to be balanced in EVERY AREA / ASPECT of your being. I also believe we can not achieve this but we can get damn near close to it. I believe this is part of everybody's goal in life. Today I am leaving you with poem about being free and that sometimes we see boundaries where there are none or with a bit of attitude adjustment can be broken down! You are your own limit .  To Be Free Each person within the boundaries of his own time existence-dimension strives to be free without the confinement of his body or space... You could explore the being of yourself and others... Through courage  and the concurring of Fear within yourself... With the support of others, you could break-through the constraints of life. But... If you have an basic obstacle, such as a phys

Dedication Toward You

Hi There  It is Monday today. The start of a week. The way we start...well just about everything is usually how we end it. Yes, we do go through some ups,downs and rough patches, but usually our attitude remains pretty much the same. This is also where our own motivation plays a role. We need to be dedicated when the "downs" and "rough patches" threatens our attitude. This is one part of our commitment to moving more. To do it for no one but yourself. It is an everyday recommit to oneself and the goal one has set for oneself.  Be dedicated to YOU... Not your feelings about yourself! Keep Moving until next time 👋